CoreDX DDS C++ Reference Manual
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 coredx_lmt_transport.hCoreDX DDS Local Machine Transport (LMT)
 coredx_ssl_transport.hCoreDX DDS SSL Transport
 coredx_tcp_transport.hCoreDX DDS TCP Transport
 coredx_udp_transport.hCoreDX DDS UDP Transport (default)
 dds.hhCoreDX DDS C++ API Header File. The include/dds.hh file provides all of the CoreDX DDS declarations for C++ DDS datatypes and functions. This file should be included by C++ application code that uses the C++ DDS Application Programming Interface
 dds_dtype.hhCoreDX DDS DynamicTypes C++ API Header File
 dds_seq.hhCoreDX DDS C++ Sequence API Header File
 dds_types.hCoreDX DDS Basic Types C++ API Header File
 example_foo_service.hhExample data types generated for an RPC Service
 function_call.hhCoreDX DDS Remote Procedure Call (RPC) C++ Header File. This file defines the entites associated with the Function Call API
 qos_provider.hhCoreDX DDS QosProvider C++ header file
 request_reply.hhCoreDX DDS Remote Procedure Call (RPC) C++ Header File. This file defines the entites associated with the Request/Reply API
 sample.hhCoreDX DDS Sample<T> C++ Header File
 xml_api.hCoreDX DDS XML API provider header file
 xtypes.hhProvides the X-Types DDS_DynamicDataReader and DDS_DynamicDataWriter API
 xtypes_dtype.hhProvides the X-Types DDS_DynamicType, DDS_DynamicData, and related APIs

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