CoreDX DDS Modern C++ API
Publisher Use Cases

Create a Publisher

Create a Publisher with all default QoS policies and no listener.

#include <dds/domain/ddsdomain.hpp>
#include <dds/pub/ddspub.hpp>
dds::pub::Publisher publisher( participant );

Create a Publisher with modified QoS policies and no listener.

#include <dds/domain/ddsdomain.hpp>
#include <dds/pub/ddspub.hpp>
dds::pub::Publisher publisher( participant, qos );

Create a Publisher with modified QoS policies and a listener.

#include <dds/domain/ddsdomain.hpp>
#include <dds/pub/ddspub.hpp>
class ExamplePubListener : public dds::pub::NoOpPublisherListener { ... };
ExamplePubListener * pubListener = new ExamplePubListener;
dds::pub::Publisher publisher( participant, qos, pubListener, dds::core::status::StatusMask::all() );

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