CoreDX DDS Java Reference Manual
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CConditionA Condition can be added to a DDS_WaitSet to provide synchronous event notification
 CConstantsProvides various constants and utility routines used throughout CoreDX DDS
 CDataReaderListenerThe DataReaderListener provides asynchronous notification of DataReader events. This listener can be installed during DataReader creation, DomainParticipant_create_yyy(), as well as by calling DataReader_set_listener()
 CDataReaderQosStructure that holds DataReader Quality of Service policies
 CDataRepresentationQosPolicyThis QoS policy establishes the DataRepresentation (data encoding) offered by a DataWriter or requested by a DataReader
 CDataWriterListenerThe DataWriterListener provides asynchronous notification of DataWriter events. This listener can be installed during DataWriter creation, Publisher_create_datawriter(), as well as by calling DataWriter_set_listener()
 CDataWriterQosStructure that holds DataWriter Quality of Service policies
 CDeadlineQosPolicyThis QoS policy establishes a minimum update period for data instances
 CDestinationOrderQosPolicyThis QoS policy controls how each Subscriber orders received data samples
 CDestinationOrderQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Destination Ordering
 CDiscoveryQosPolicyQoS Policy for configuring aspects of the Discovery and Builtin entities
 CDiscoveryQosPolicyDiscoveryKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Discovery
 CDomainParticipantFactoryDomainParticipantFactory constructs DomainParticipants. The
 CDomainParticipantFactoryQosStructure that holds DomainParticipantFactory Quality of Service policies
 CDomainParticipantQosStructure that holds DomainParticipant Quality of Service policies
 CDurabilityQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Duarbility
 CDuration_tRepresents a time duration with nanosecond resolution
 CEntityBase class for all DDS Entities
 CGroupDataQosPolicyAllows the application to attach arbitrary information to a Publisher or Subscriber
 CHistoryQosPolicyControls the ammount of historical data maintained by a DataReader or DataWriter
 CHistoryQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of History
 CInconsistentTopicStatusInconsistentTopicStatus provides status related to the on_inconsistent_topic listener methods of the TopicListener structure
 CInstanceHandle_tUsed to identify a DDS Entity or data instance. An InstanceHandle is unique within its context. For example, each data instance known by a DataReader is assigned a unique InstanceHandle. However, these handles may not be unique when compared to handles from another DataReader
 CIpTransportInterfaceDefines an interface for use by the UdpTransport
 CLatencyBudgetQosPolicySpecifies allowable latency
 CLifespanQosPolicySpecifies the maximum duration of validity of the data written by the DataWriter
 CLivelinessChangedStatusStatus related to the on_liveliness_changed listener methods of the DataReader, Subscriber, and DomainParticipant structures
 CLivelinessLostStatusStatus related to the on_liveliness_lost listener methods of the DataWriter, Publisher, and DomainParticipant structures
 CLivelinessQosPolicyDetermines the mechanism and parameters used by the application to determine whether an Entity is alive
 CLivelinessQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Liveliness
 CLmtTransportConfigStructure that holds LMT Transport configuration items
 CLoanedSamples< T >
 CLocatorNetwork address
 CLoggingQosPolicyControls the amount and kind of data that is logged
 COfferedDeadlineMissedStatusStatus related to the on_offered_deadline_missed listener methods of the DataWriter, Publisher, and DomainParticipant structures
 COfferedIncompatibleQosStatusStatus related to the on_offered_incompatible_qos listener methods of the DataWriter, Publisher, and DomainParticipant structures
 COwnershipQosPolicyDetermines instance ownership in the case of multple writers. CoreDX DDS supports both SHARED_OWNERSHIP_QOS and EXCLUSIVE_OWNERSHIP_QOS
 COwnershipQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Ownership
 COwnershipStrengthQosPolicyDefines the strength, or priority, of a Writer. The strength is used to determine ownership in the case of EXCLUSIVE_OWNERSHIP_QOS. When multiple writers publish data about the same instance, the stronger writer is considered the owner, and data from other writers is not delivered to the reader
 CParticipantBuiltinTopicDataThe ParticipantBuiltinTopicData is a built-in Data Type that represents Participant Discovery information
 CParticipantLocatorDescribes a the location and identity of a potential peer DomainParticipant
 CPartitionQosPolicyDefines a logical data partition
 CPeerParticipantQosPolicyConfigures a list of DomainParticipant peers to attempt communication with
 CPresentationQosPolicyControls the presentation of received data samples to the application. CoreDX DDS currently supports only the access_scope = INSTANCE_PRESENTATION_QOS policy
 CPresentationQosPolicyAccessScopeKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Access Scope for the PresentationQosPolicy
 CProperty_tA name-value pair property. The 'propagate' flag indicates if this property should be transfered through discovery
 CPropertyQosPolicyThe PropertyQosPolicy supports adding arbitrary name-value pairs
 CPublicationBuiltinTopicDataThe PublicationBuiltinTopicData is a built-in Data Type that represents Publication Discovery information
 CPublicationMatchedStatusStatus related to the on_publication_matched listener methods of the DataWriter, Publisher, and DomainParticipant structures
 CPublisherQosStructure that holds Publisher Quality of Service policies
 CQosPolicyCountA QoS Policy identifier, along with a count
 CQosProviderQosProvider loads QoS settings from a library and provides interfaces to access entity specific QoS Policies
 CReaderDataLifecycleQosPolicySpecifies the lifecycle behavior of data instances managed by the DataReader
 CReliabilityQosPolicyIndicates the level of reliability offered/provided by the Entity. If kind is RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS, then the middleware will attempt to deliver all samples in the history cache. If samples are not received, then they will be retried
 CReliabilityQosPolicyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Reliability
 CReplier< TReq, TRep >
 CReplierListener< TReq, TRep >
 CRequestedDeadlineMissedStatusStatus related to the on_requested_deadline_missed listener methods of the DataReader, Subscriber, and DomainParticipant structures
 CRequesterListener< TReq, TRep >
 CResourceLimitsQosPolicySpecifies the resources that the Service can use to maintain data samples and instances
 CRTPSReaderQosPolicyQoS Policy for configuring aspects of the RTPS Reader Protocol
 CRTPSWriterQosPolicyQoS Policy for configuring aspects of the RTPS Writer Protocol
 CSampleInfoThe SampleInfo structure contains information associated with each Sample. The and take() operations return two vectors. One vector contains Sample(s) and the other contains SampleInfo(s). There is a one-to-one correspondence between items in these two vectors. Each Sample is described by the corresponding SampleInfo instance
 CSampleLostStatusStatus related to the on_sample_lost listener methods of the DataReader, Subscriber, and DomainParticipant structures
 CSampleRejectedStatusStatus related to the on_sample_rejected listener methods of the DataReader, Subscriber, and DomainParticipant structures
 CServiceProxy< TReq, TRep >
 CSimpleReplierListener< TReq, TRep >
 CSimpleRequesterListener< TRep >
 CSslTransportConfigStructure that holds SSL Transport configuration items
 CSubscriberListenerThe SubscriberListener provides asynchronous notification of Subscriber events. This listener can be installed during Subscriber creation, DomainParticipant_create_subscriber() as well as by calling Subscriber_set_listener()
 CSubscriberQosStructure that holds DDS_Subscriber Quality of Service policies
 CSubscriptionBuiltinTopicDataThe SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData is a built-in Data Type that represents Subscription Discovery information
 CSubscriptionMatchedStatusStatus related to the on_subscription_matched listener methods of the DataReader, Subscriber, and DomainParticipant structures
 CTcpTransportConfigStructure that holds TCP Transport configuration items
 CThreadModelQosPolicyQoS Policy for configuring the threading behavior of the DomainParticipant
 CTime_tRepresents time with nanosecond resolution
 CTimeBasedFilterQosPolicyDefines a filter based on time between samples. The DataReader indicates that it wants at most one sample for each instance every minimum_separation interval
 CTopicDataQosPolicyAllows the application to attach arbitrary information to a Topic QoS
 CTopicDescriptionTopicDescription is an abstract that provides the foundation for Topic, ContentFilteredTopic, and MultiTopic
 CTopicListenerThe DDS_TopicListener provides asynchronous notification of DDS_Topic events. This listener can be installed during Topic creation (DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic() and related) as well as by calling DDS_Topic_set_listener()
 CTopicQosStructure that holds DDS_Topic Quality of Service policies
 CTransportAn instance of a Transport that can be added to a DomainParticipant
 CTransportPriorityQosPolicyA hint to the middleware to help configure the transport priority mechanism
 CTypeCodeKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of data types used in constructing a Typecode
 CTypecodeQosPolicyTypecode representing the datatype a DataReader reads or a DataWriter writes
 CTypeConsistencyEnforcementQosPolicyThis QoS policy establishes the policy for establishing consistency of the Reader and Writer data types
 CTypeConsistencyKindThis enumeration contains the kinds of Reliability
 CUdpTransportConfigStructure that holds UDP Transport configuration items
 CUserDataQosPolicyAllows the application to attach arbitrary information to a DomainParticipant, DataWriter or DataReader
 CWaitSetA DDS_WaitSet maintains a set of Condition objects and allows the application to wait until one or more of them have a trigger_value of TRUE
 CWriterDataLifecycleQosPolicySpecifies the lifecycle behavior of data instances managed by the DataWriter. If autodispose_unregistered_instances is true, then the DataWriter will automatically dispose any instances that are unregistered. Note: When a DataWriter is deleted, it will automatically unregister all of its instances. With this policy == true, then all instances will also be disposed

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